About Me

I am incredibly passionate about videography in both filming and through post production. Throughout my career since graduating with a 2:1 in an Honours degree in Television, I have found my place especially in helping to create and deliver social media content and company advertisements. Through my time working in the Television and Media industry, I have participated in creating content at different companies e.g. Celtic Football Club, Six Company, STV Creative, 20/20 Productions and Cut Media.
While creating and sharing this type of online content, I firmly understand that whilst visual integrity and narrative are crucial, target demographic is the upmost important factor. In a working environment, I am always confident, outgoing, and eager to get tasks done by the deadline to the best of my ability.
Furthermore, I would also consider myself a team player as I am keen to constantly brainstorm, develop and work on ideas as part of a team. I use artistic perspective and a thorough approach towards how I want an edit to look and flow, while constantly striving for attention to detail to capture the viewer’s attention. To best convey the story, the emotions felt by the characters and drive forward a plot in a way that it makes sense to viewers, is an art I have mastered.
Through this, I have learned a lot about presenting a product that is visually stunning, informative and aims to attract a wider audience. Carrying a diverse portfolio, I strive to deliver emotionally driven stories and visually intriguing videos through the art of my videography work. I also carry such a primitive mindset to create some high scale photography, whether it comes to behind the scenes on production shoots to encapsulate the location, design, and story of a project or perhaps something livelier, like gig photography to create some sporadic, but visually intriguing photographs both musicians and the crowds.
My availability is fully flexible, and I would be willing to take on any further career development opportunities.
Full driving licence achieved.